Cultivating Processes, Not Just Providing Software

Logistic Execution Solution empowers your business with agility and efficiency. Backed by our team's experience in designing and optimizing software and operational processes, including projects with industry leaders like Digikala, the Middle East's largest e-commerce company, we understand the strengths and challenges of logistics management. Trust us to deliver tailored solutions for your logistics processes.

Key Services & Features

Our comprehensive list of features includes everything you need to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and elevate your business.

Management Dashboards

Access intuitive dashboards for efficient oversight.

Inventory Reports

Generate hierarchical inventory reports.

Parametric KPIs

Customize parameters dynamically based on customer needs.

Warehouse Structure

Define warehouse structures based on industry best practices.

Multi-Storage Areas

Create multiple storage areas within warehouses.

Warehouse Receipts

Manage all types of warehouse receipts.

Stock Taking

Physically counting of goods or inventory without process stoppage.

Handheld Device Support

Utilize handheld devices for efficient picking and put-away processes.

Stock Type Management

Manage various stock types such as Physical, Salable, Reserve, Quarantine, In Transit, and Supply Stock.

Stock Management

Set Minimum Stock, Maximum Stock, Reorder Point Stock, and Safety Stock levels for effective stock management.

User Role Access Control

Align user roles and access permissions with your organization's structure for efficient system administration and security control.

User Activity Logging

Maintain a detailed user activity log for comprehensive tracking and auditing of all system interactions and operations.

About What We Do & Who We Are

With a wealth of experience in software development and deep knowledge of operating systems, our team is dedicated to creating innovative products that drive the growth of e-commerce businesses.

We offer the flexibility to incorporate tailored features into our system, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your specific needs and requirements.